Route Description
De Oude Warande
Entrance: Warandelaan (parking lot Auberge du Bonheur)

By car
Please follow the signs Tilburg University from the ring road of Tilburg.
Parking: at the corner Warandelaan – Bredase Weg or at the end of Warandelaan at the parking lot of Tilburg University
By public transport
From railway station Tilburg De Oude Warande can be reached by taking bus 4 (Veoilia: direction Station Reeshof) stop: Universiteit at Hogeschoollaan. Get out to the left and walk out Hogeschoollaan. At the end to the right: Bredase Weg. Follow bicycle path past the petrol station until the traffic lights. Turn right: Warandelaan.
By taxi
Costs: ca. 12,00 € per ride
Train taxi Tilburg:
Costs: 4.40 € per person/per ride
By bicycle
You may rent a bike at Fietspoint Derks at the
railway station Tilburg.
Costs: 7,50 €
Deposit: 75,00 € (+ I.D.)
Railway station Tilburg – De Oude Warande: 20 minutes
When you leave the rental turn right and continue via Hart van Brabantlaan and Professor Cobbenhagenlaan til the end. Turn left: Hogeschoollaan. Go till the end and turn right:Bredase Weg. Continue until past the petrol station till the traffic lights. Turn right: Warandelaan and immediately left to the parking lot of the main entrance of De Oude Warande.